Guide those that are struggling with drug and alcohol abuse, anger management, thinking of going back to the gang, and sexual and domestic abuse to change these behaviors through support groups and biblical strengthening.
Through music and theatrical aspiration, our clients can more easily express themselves and find new personal fulfillments via their expression with music, dance and writings thereby providing a new freedom and release for their mind.
We serve as a hub to teach basic computer skills through our labs and partnering with other groups for expanded computer training. The more our Clients can use a computer, the more prepared they are to handle home, school and work challenges.
The Library is a place to study and strengthen our Clients study habits in areas such as math, reading and writing skills, plus learn what the library can offer them. Clients can also work to achieve ther High School diploma, GED, and Prep for taking their SAT.
Almost everyone of our Clients require some additional education to help enhance their skills to land a job of their dreams. We offer on the job training, educate on grooming attire, professionalism and even family values. It is critical for our Clients to be prepared to handle what life can throw at them.
Employee and clients will be a haven to keep our youth off the streets and inside doing productive things with their time and energy. Will take educational vacation summer tips
Many of our Clients have young children who require being watched when our Clients are busy. We partner with various daycare centers to entertain our Client's children. The Daycare Centers provide experienced childcare employees skilled with the handling child and working with the children to teach them new skills. Some of these employees include former Clients of The Branch.
At times, a Client may require some one on one mentoring/tutoring, such as for managing their finances. Giving them our personal attention better impacts and directs their lives so they more quickly understand and not become frustrate and stop trying. Letting our Clients know they are not alone helps them to perform better socially and economically.
It is important our Clients and their loved ones get proper nutrition and build good eating habits. In our cafeteria we serve only healthy foods at reduced prices based on a Client's ability to pay. Plus, employees have a comfortable and nutritional place to eat.
The Branch strongly believes you need to feed your spiritual soul as much as you feed your body. Our Chapel is non-denominational and provides basic spiritual counseling, marriage strengthening, quiet prayer time, and spiritual counseling.
Clients receive assistance in the facilitation of Community Re-entry:
Ensure Accountability
Vocational Referrals
Support Counseling
Our Family Reunification Program helps families to slowly get acclimated with being together after years apart to include:
Support Groups
Parenting Classes
Family Support services
The Branch of Goodness Agape Rehabilitation Center